Monday 15 March 2021
At the beginning of February 2021, EASE has launched the « National Studies about the representativeness of the sport sector » project with partners from Portugal, the School of Sports of Rio Maior and the Montenegrin Employers Federation. Such project aims to implement a study to assess the representativeness of the sport sector at the national level. EASE and its partners intend to highlight the needs of the sport employers at national level in terms of representativeness in social dialogue and policy making influence. The aim is that the results of the study can be used by stakeholders in the national sport sector to structure social dialogue, what could be realized with the creation of a sport employers’ association. At the European level, this study will also provide EASE with a recent study to understand how it could intervene and help structure this social dialogue of the sport sector in these countries and other countries in the future.
The National Partners are key stakeholders for the deployment of this project EASE has a managing and an expert role in the representation of Sport employers needs The national stakeholders that are either universities or sport employers organisations or both have the responsibility to implement the study and bring their expertise about the local context in the analysis of the study.
With the “National Studies about representativeness of the sport sector” project, all the partners want to participate in European Sport Policies and to develop and promote the social dialogue in the Sport sector.